Health Benefits Green Leaves

As we know, vegetables or leaves that are a fresh green color hold a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is always suggested and referred to that we have at least 1 or 2 fresh green vegetables or leaves in our daily diet. Green leaves are edible; however, some are not able to be eaten but are highly used topically as a home remedy to treat various health disorders. They are full of fiber (soluble and insoluble), vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that protect us from diseases and help us maintain a healthy weight.

Benefits of green leaves

Important Health Benefits of Green Leaves:

  • Green leaves are rich in antioxidants (vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin), which help reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • Green leaves help lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood as well as maintain healthy blood pressure.
  • Regular intake of green leaves prevents blood sugar swings by slowing down the rate of absorption of glucose in the bloodstream after meals.
  • Green leaves richness in fibers strengthens the cardiovascular system, thus preventing heart disease and type-2 diabetes.
  • Green leaves are loaded with a lot of water, minerals, and vitamins, which keep the body (especially the skin) hydrated and give it beautiful skin and hair.
  • Some of the green leaves are rich in calcium, which makes teeth and bones strong and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in later ages.
  • Green leaves help maintain regular blood pressure and healthy muscle functions.
  • Green leaves richness in beta-carotene helps in enhancing growth and repairing body tissues, as well as protecting skin from sun damage.
  • Green leaf excellence as a rich folate source reduces the risk of heart diseases and memory loss problems (as it contributes to producing serotonin, which lowers depression and improves mood).

Some of the green leaves are:

Onion, green leaves,
Spinach-green leaves
Garlic green leaves
Neem leaves,
Tulasi leaves,
Methi leaves,
Palak leaves,
Bitter guard leaves,
Orange leaves,
Grapes leaves,
Coriander leaves and more...