Blood Pressure:

Blood Pressure a word makes every one to fear about, Keeping the Blood Pressure in control is one of the Important aspect if not the very most important thing is to improve your health and life span. But to say no to pills which reduces the Blood Pressure fortunately there are other alternatives to focus more on the food habits. Many foods can reduce the Blood Pressure naturally…


Is a species in Onion genus, scientifically known as Allium Sativum. Garlic was not used for cooking anciently (historically). Rather it was used for healing and Medical Purpose. That has been researched and documented by ancient Indians, Romans, Greeks.

Garlic is a combination of allicin, a compound of sulpher formed when garlic clove is chopped or crushed.

Many human studies have witness that supplement of garlic significantly lowers the Blood Pressure. Garlic also reduces the  Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level.

Cashews and Almonds:

Falls under Nuts Cashews and Almonds are filled with rich proteins and vitamins. Nuts which are came from the ground which are filled with many metabolic health benefits. Cashews and Almonds are at first when it comes to Metabolic condition.

Almonds and Cashews are filled with rich magnesium which is essentially involved for body filled in 300 bodily process. Lack of Magnesium is straightly leads to Blood Pressure complications.

But if you are diabetic one should always have an eye on supplement they take.

foods for blood pressure



Turmeric a tradition and popular kitchen recipe use. For a centuries Turmeric is not only used in curry recipes but also used as a medical purpose.

The active ingredient in the turmeric is curcumin which has a strong anti inflammatory effects in the body. Benefit of Curcumin is on the blood flow and blood pressure are believed to be related to nitric oxide.

Green Tea

Green Tea is filled fully with powerful compounds of antioxidants.

Reason in Tea-Green tea in particular is because of its polyphenols, known as catechin has shown to improve the blood flow and blood pressure.

A review on consuming green tea is suggested to be two cups can increase the arterial diameter by up 40%.

Green Coffee

Coffee beans are brown but naturally they are green roasting of them turns green to brown. The roasting process removes the much of its chlorogenic acid. Its an active ingredient that gives additional health properties.

From a study 480 milligrams of green coffee extract the 180 milligrams of chlorogenic acid, thus it found in reducing the heart rate and blood pressure.


Beetroot is contains rich minerals such as Potassium, Fibre and zero cholesterol. Nutrites and Nutrates plays a big role in human body metabolism condition.

A clinical research book released that beet root juice intake reduces the blood pressure by 4-10 mmHg in just few minutes.

Fish Oil

Dereived from the tissues of Fish. Fish Oil contains the high volume of Omega-3 Fatty acids. These are extremely beneficial for the human cardiovascular health. Many studies proved that Fish oil is an excellent and effective treatment for the High Blood Pressure.

Diet should contain high omega 3 fats that should better for heart health. Fish oil supplements are an effective and and more affordable alternative to eating oily fish.


A leaf falls under the Cabbage group of vegetable cultivates under the plant species Brassica Oleracea. Kale is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components known to help prevent disease.

Kale is rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin c. Diet with High potassium is strongly linked to lower blood pressure. Kale nutrient trio like magnesuim. Potassium and Vitamin C makes to control the blood pressure and minimizes the disease risk.

Still there are many other factors influence the blood pressure. Keeping your diet in control is the best solution to keep the blood pressure in control. More than of all these adequate sleep, physical activity, sun exposure and meditation other stress management.