Citrallus Lanatus a stylish scientificial name for Watermelon. Watermelons is an ancient fruit native of South Africa and moved to Egypt. Many of us are familiar with the larger fruit selected specially for Juicier. The Outer rind is hard and fleshy while the inter is soft in red or pink contain many seeds.

Watermelon contain 45-50 calories per cup, apart watermelon is loaded with water along  Magnesium, Calcium, Fiber, Protein, and very large amount of potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and many healthy compounds in it.

The important health benefits of Watermelon are prevents the kidney disorders, High blood pressure, Cancer preventive, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Sunstroke, Heat stroke, Impotence and macular degeneration.

Let us see the important health benefits of Watermelon are:

HBP- High Blood Pressure:

Watermelon contain the good portion of Potassium and Magnesium are very beneficial interns of getting down the blood pressure. Potassium releases the tension in the arteries and blood vessels. There it helps in stimulating the blood flow and reduces the stress on the cardiovascular system.


Watermelon are good supplement for Diabetes patients as they suffer with low energy and low sugar diet. Loaded with water and being sweet in taste gives diabetes patients a full feed. Moreover the vitamins such as Magnesium and Potassium help in proper functioning of insulin in the body.

Kidney Disorders:

Potassium present in watermelon helps cleaning or washing out the toxic deposits present in the kidney. It helps in reducing the concentration of uric acid present in the blood. Loaded with high water in it induces frequent urination. Also the anti oxidants present in Watermelon ensure the good health of Kidneys for a long time.

Cancer Preventive:

Impressive levels of Lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient present in watermelon has increasingly being linked to cancer prevention. As per studies lycopen has been shown a significant impact in reducing the risk of prostate, colon, lung, and endometrial cancer.

Heart Care:

Lycopene a carotenoid phytonutrient present in watermelon improves the cardiac functions. Beta carotene known for its remarkable anti oxidant and anti-aging property keeps you young at heart and prevents the age related cardiac problems. Rich potassium present in watermelon reduces the risk of heart attack, helps to reduce the cholesterol and keep the heart safe from the variety of dangerous conditions.


Arginine, present in watermelon, is beneficial in curing erectile dysfunction, and the stimulating nature of the chemical can boost libido, reduce frigidity and give a kick start to your love life, after you enjoy a few slices of watermelon together!