Cholesterol may combine with other substances in the blood and form a wall to the blood walls (arteries) that leads to narrow the flow of the blood or even completely block the arteries.
Cholesterol will be In different types such as HDL, Hypercholesterolemia, Hyperlipidemia, Hyperlipoproteinemia, LDL. If the level of the cholesterol in the blood is too high that leads to getting the risk of heart diseases.
Below are the list of Important factors that Contributes to cholesterol:
Obesity is one of the most effective factor which contributes the cholesterol. Keeping weight in control is always the best way to keep the cholesterol away from the body. Risk of high cholesterol is higher If the BMI(Body Mass Index) is 30 or more. In order to be fit and maintain the healthy life it is suggested to keep the weight under control all the times.
Smoking of cigarettes makes the accumulate fatty deposit on the walls of the blood vessels. It leads to the damage of the blood vessels. Also smoking may lower your good cholesterol levels in the blood.
It is always suggested to have a healthy diet and not to go with the diet which has high fatty content such as Red Meat or full fatty dairy products. They are rich in cholesterol, consumption of high cholesterol products may leads to increase the cholesterol levels in the body and that leads to many health problems.
Presence of high blood sugar leads to lower the HDL cholesterol and higher the LDL cholesterol. Apart all high blood sugar damages all our arteries.
Lack of exercise:
Being fit and maintaining healthy life style is one’s dream. Daily exercise will improve the Body’s HDL cholesterol levels and and lowers the LDL cholesterol.
So, it is always suggested to maintain fit and healthy life style.
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