Lemon Oil tips for Skin and Face Lightening

Lemon Oil Tips for skin

Lemon is know for its antioxidant properties, and it has the Vitamin C higher than Orange. Using lemon Oil some times to skin gives an amazing skin and health benefits. Among of all the essential oil lemon oil is rated as the best anti-microbial agent by health experts.

Lemon is a native of Asian and African continent with a dimple share and yellow and green color.

Important Properties of Lemon Oil are:
  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Anti fungal

  • Sedative

  • Antiseptic

  • Detoxifying

  • Anti-infection.
The above are the important properties of Lemon Oil.

Amazing benefits of Lemon Oil are:

It Tones Skin:

Lemon Oil has astringent power, you can apply lemon oil to your face, that prone to excessive oil production on your face.

Add a 20 to 30 drops of lemon oil to water and mix it well. Apply the mixture on your face for a better glow.

Treating acne:

The presence of anti bacterial components in lemon oil kills the acne causing materials in skin. Lemon oil can control both tone and acne. Antigen property present in lemon oil tighten pores.

Lemon Oil as Cleanser:

As said above lemon has high end properties in it. Lemon oil is so gentle and safe for face cleanser.

Lightens the Skin:

The Citric acid present in lemon oil bleaches and fades the scars. It balances the skin pH levels.

Reduces the Premature ageing:

Wrinkles are formed on the face uninvited. It leads in loosing your fabulous look. Anti ageing properties present in lemon oil leads to hide your age wonderfully.

A combination of lemon oil and Olive Oil mixture and a gentle message with the mixture on your face and neck will say bye to your puffy and ageing wrinkles on the face.

Removes the Black heads:

Lemon Oil also helps in controlling the Blackheads. Start with the facial steaming apply a mixture of 1 tbsp lemon oil, water and 1 tbsp of black soda on your black heads leave it for 10 mts.

After 10 mts wash your face with warm water.

Hand Sanitizer:

Lemon oil also used as hand sanitizer. The antibacterial components present in it will remove the bacterial content in your hand.