Have you ever imagined are thought that a product which can be the better natural supplement for weight loss or get flawless skin and healthy hair, wheat Grass juice may be an ideal option for you, Yes it is wheat grass. Wheat grass is Scientifically known as Triticum aestivum, wheat grass was used by Egyptians for health and beauty aid in ancient times. wheat grass powder.
Below are the amazing health benefits of Wheat grass:
Wheat grass powder or wheat grass is the rich source of vitamins and proteins. A cup of wheat grass or a glass of wheat grass powder juice contains vitamins, amino acid, liver enzymes, and chlorophyll. It has 98 of 102 earth elements found in the soil. Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium are among those important elements. wheat Grass has more Vitamin A and C than oranges and carrots. Apart from that, it is exceptionally rich with Vitamins E, K, and B. No wonder health experts recommend wheat Grass juice for dietary supplements.
Rich source to control the Hair Damage:
As said above wheat Grass is known for its cleansing properties, its wonderful ingredients remove dead cells from your scalp. It improves hair growth as well as it brings a beautiful sheen to your hair. For any hair damage, like hair fall, premature hair graying or dandruff, rub some wheat grass juice on your scalp and allow it to stay for 15-20 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo. This is good for dry hair too.
One point for all Skin Problems:
wheat Grass juice is a rich source of antioxidants which contains both vitamins and natural phytochemicals such as flavonoids. Antioxidants help to slow down the aging process. Also, drinking wheat Grass juice can help you to detoxify your body. That means it enhances your natural health and gives you glowing skin. wheat Grass juice can be used for curing skin disease like eczema and psoriasis.
Daily intake of wheat grass juice is good for acne prone skin and removes scars or blemishes. Apart from drinking, you can use this juice externally too. Use a wheat Grass ice cube (just freeze some juice in ice cube trays) for blemishes on your skin. Add a glass of wheat Grass juice to your bathing water and soak yourself in it (use a bath tub) for at least half an hour. This can be a good body cleanser. It also fights body odor. It is good for sunburned skin too.
Shea your excess weight:
Wheat grass is a rich source for fiber, as a grasy content which is rich in proteins and enzymes. it increases your energy levels better than any other energy drink. It also contains chlorophyll, which fights harmful bacteria in your body and builds our immunity system. According to health experts, a glass of wheat Grass juice contains 70 percent of chlorophyll. It also protects your internal organs, especially the lungs from pollution, heavy metals and smoking. So to keep illness miles away from your body, wheat Grass juice intake is really useful.
Improves the Digestive system:
Rich source of fiber present in wheat grass act as a powerful digestive catalyst. Wheat grass contains several elements that can boost digestion, including a great deal of fiber, and B complex vitamins, which boost the function of the muscles of the digestive system.
Takes your body Oder out:
Studies conducted on various factors affecting the body order, out of all it is proved that fiber is also one of the key component/factor which effect the body order. Som it is advised to consume wheat grass juice daily to get out of the body order.
How to consume:
consume wheat Grass juice immediately after extracting it. Every day in the morning, one ounce of juice on an empty stomach is enough. If you can’t bear the very grassy smell of it, just mix it with orange juice or apple juice. Sipping it slowly over a couple of minutes will give you the best result.
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