Weight Loss:

Weight a word one can always fear either excess or loss of it. Gaining/Weight Loosing is mainly because of the disorder diet or excess stress. This may leads in gaining or loosing the weight.

In order to maintain the healthy body one should always focus on their weight, increase or decrease in the weight may leads to change in the metabolism rate.

People who are over weight or observed to be obese have to opt for weight loss programs, this helps in reducing the risk of getting diabetes or hypertension.

Weight loss Tips at Home

Signs/symptoms which shows that need to reduce the weight:

  • Higher BMI (Body Mass Index)

  • Excess sweat

  • Cloths feel tighter

  • Bulged waist

  • Breathing problems

  • Having High BP

  • Diabetes

Reasons for overweight:

  • Disorder/unhealthy Diet - Having food in rich calories

  • Inactivity- Laziness, Lifestyle or Official working conditions.

  • Medical Problems

  • Pregnancy

Below are the home remedies to lose the excess weight:

Drink water:

It is common told and claimed that drinking water can help in weight loss. Water can increase the metabolism rate and burns your extra calories.

Plan your Meal Daily.

30 to 45 minutes of exercise every day is important to keep the weight under control and to see the visible difference in weight. Always prefer for a small quantity of nutritious food regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

Take the break fast by 8:30 AM or at the earliest in the morning time with the limited calories.

Having a nuts and full of protein at mid morning to help in maintain your body weight.

Take the lunch by 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM between

Always Prefer for a controlled meal.

Coffee loaded with antioxidants:

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, can have a numerous health benefits. Studies shows caffeine in coffee can boost metabolism by atleast 3-11% and increase the fat burning.

Always Prefer Green Tea:  

Green tea also has many benefits like coffee, one of them would be the weight loss. Green tea loaded with antioxidants and small amount of caffeine which are also believed effectively in fat burning.

Olive Oil:

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats which help in lowering the LDL cholesterol and improving the HDL cholesterol in the body. Consumption of one or two T-spoons of Olive oil can no harm to your body compared to other oils and butter.

Avoid Fried food and Snack Items:

Fried food and snack items are made of Oil which has high amount of saturated fats which leads to increase your cholesterol levels in the body.

Make sure not to prefer the items like fried chicken, Meat, and fried rice and more of fried snack items in the daily diet.


Yoga is one of the best medicine to reduce your excess belly fat, especially laughter yoga is one of the best natural remedies that will strengthen your abs.

Go to Bed:

At last going to bed early will help you to take out all your stress levels, sleep deprivation may cause for fattiness. Many studies says that about 7 hours of sleep per night can slow down your metabolism.

Above all Please do maintain a regular exercise and diet chart to keep your weight under control.