How many of us know that Momordica Charantia is not really a vegetable? Surprised by the Momordica Charatia. Karela or Bitter gourd or Kakarat kaya in telugu and Momordica Charantia a scientific name of Karela. Trust Its not completely a vegetable but a fruit?
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Bitter squash is the part that is normally used for consumption and for many other Medical purposes. While we feel it is bitter taste, but they are many health benefits of bitter gourd.
Bitter gourd is rich in vitamins and minerals, Bitter gourd juice contains important nutrients ranging from Magnesium, Iron, and Vitamin C and Potassium. Bitter gourd is an excellent source of dietary fiber, Calcium, Beta-carotene and potassium.
Here are the important health benefits of Bitter Gourd Juice:
Regulates your Blood Sugar levels:
Polypeptide P or Insulin P is a compound insulin present in Bitter gourd that helps in controlling the diabetes naturally. According to studies consumption of bitter melon daily reduces the blood glucose levels significantly in patients who suffers from type2 diabetes.
Lowers the Bad Cholesterol Levels:
Bitter Gourd juice contains many anti inflammatory Properties, that helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. High potassium levels present in bitter gourd regulates the blood pressure levels in the body that reduces the risk of heart related diseases by absorbing the excessive sodium levels in the body.
Helps in weight loss:
Bitter gourd is considered as natural agent for treating obesity. Bitter gourd is less in carbohydrates, calories and Fat that helps is reducing your weight. Bitter gourd can easily fit in your diet plan. Studies said that extraction of bitter gourd helped in dislocation of human fat cells.
Improves Immune System:
Due to it bitter content, it helps in improving the Immune system of the body. It It fights with the bacteria not only improves the immune system, but also prevents the allergies and indigestion caused by bacteria. The rich presence of antioxidants protects the body from illness agents and protects as a shield to body.
Cleanses Liver:
Consumption of alcohol is not good to health. Sipping of bitter gourd juice can make you out from alcohol feeling if you drink more in an party night.Bitter gourd juice provides the protection against liver failure by strengthening anti oxidant activity of enzymes in the liver. It also improves the functioning of the bladder.
Improved the skin glow and lustrous hair:
The powerful anti oxidant and vitamin C and A present in bitter gourd prevents the skin ageing, wrinkles, acne and aids in treating eczema and psoriasis.
Bitter gourd juice is also protects the skin from harmful UV rays. The nutrients preset in Bitter juice such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A, Zinc and Biotin impart shine and gives a luster look to your eyes.
Apply bitter juice on your scalp regularly to get rid of your hair fall and graying of your hair.
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